
  • Best Universal Package Manager for Linux?

    Suddenly, Linux needs a universal package manager for installing software. At least, that's what Canonical Software claimed when it introduced its new Snappy packages. However, if the need is there, which package manager should be adapted? Read More here.

  • Nirvana Like You’ve Never Heard Them Before

    If you were an early 1990s youth, the chances are [Nirvana]’s Smells Like Teen Spirit is one of those pieces of music that transports you straight back to those times. As your writer it evokes a student radio studio and the shelves of its record library, and deafening badly-lit discos with...

  • Is 32-bit Nearing End-of-Life at Some Linux Distros?

    At least three Linux distros have already quit releasing 32-bit versions, and Ubuntu seems to be standing in line to do the same. Is the end at hand for 32-bit mainstream distros? Read More here.