
  • Calculate days on which Friday the 13th occurs

    $ for y in $(seq 1996 2018); do echo -n "$y -> "; for m in $(seq 1 12); do NDATE=$(date --date "$y-$m-13" +%w); if [ $NDATE -eq 5 ]; then PRINTME=$(date --date "$y-$m-13" +%B);echo -n "$PRINTME "; fi; done; echo; done</p> I removed the dependency of the English language...

  • HackUp is a Desktop Hacker News Client for Linux

    Avid readers of social news sharing site Hacker News might be interested in a new app recently added to Flathub. Called HackUp, it is a Hacker News desktop client written in Vala. It lets you browse and read Hacker News submissions without needing to open a web browser (which for a legendary procrastinator like...

  • Why is it so hard to 'root' a smartphone?

    If a phone is just a tiny computer, why is it so hard to be the admin? Rooting, bootloader unlocking, jailbreaking; it has many different descriptions but they all mean the same thing when it comes to smartphones. It's how you open the phone's software so you have more control...